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Epilepsy seizures in Dogs

All You Need To Know About Epilepsy Seizures In Dogs


Witnessing epilepsy seizures in dogs can be painful for dog lovers. This manual will address most doubts to manage your epileptic dog better.



Finding your dog in a seizure is painful to experience for pet owners. You wish that it may be one time experience. But when a dog gets his second seizure you realize the bitterness of reality. Your mind starts getting flooded with many types of questions like how to live with an epileptic dog Or can you leave your epileptic dog alone?

I can relate to your state of mind. Being an owner of an epileptic dog in past, I can understand your queries and doubts. My article will help you prepare for the hardships that you may face in the future. You will find certain links in my articles that will help you to understand epilepsy seizures in dogs far better.

Before jumping to the manual on Epilepsy in dogs I would like to narrate the story of Yaago. Many of you will want to read his story, else you all can skip and jump to manual details.

Yaago: My Epileptic Dog

One fine day I and my husband brought a furry companion to our house. It was 45 days old golden lab puppy.   After long hours of discussions, we decided to name him Yaago.  To our surprise, our neighborhood children started referring us to mama and papa of yaago. Before having our own offspring, we became parents and that too of a dog.

Toys, cerelac, and dog food got their place in our monthly grocery list. Calling a dog to my furry friend was a big sin in our home. He was a rightful member of our family without having his own name on our ration card.  We rescheduled our walk timings to match his potty routine. He became a topic of our casual discussions. Taking him out for a car taffri, playing hid and seek, tug of war, was our favorite pastime.

But this happiness was short-lived. Soon when Yaago turned one year old, he suffered an epileptic seizure. We consulted with his veterinarian and started anti-epileptic medication. Soon he used to look drowsy, he gained more weight, he had to urinate more. The frequency of his seizures increased with time. And at last, at the age of 6, he died within his epileptic episode (status epilepticus).

I owe this article to yaago and to all those dog lovers who may be going through the same phase. There may be many questions in your mind, the internet is full of detailed articles on Epilepsy with dogs. But here I will address those issues which arise in dog owner mind who owns a dog with epilepsy.

Tips on our root topic – Epilepsy seizures in dogs

What is an epilepsy seizure disorder in dogs?

It is a neurological disorder. It is an abnormal, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in a dog’s brain which causes a seizure. They are also called convulsions or fits. But in medical terms, it is referred to as Epilepsy. Epilepsy in dogs is not uncommon, rather 4% of total dogs face seizures during their lifetime. But when such convulsions occur more than once in a lifetime, it is called epilepsy.

What are the causes of epilepsy seizures in dogs?

There can be many causes for  Seizures among canines such as anaemia, low or high blood sugar, brain cancer, Head injury, heatstroke, parasites in the brain, etc. If the seizure is without any brain abnormality it is regarded as Idiopathic epilepsy. The genetic basis is also one of the causes of this disease.

What will be the physical symptoms of epilepsy seizures in Dogs?

Drooling, paddling of legs, uncontrollable shaking and tremors,  stiffness in body, disorientation, and blurred eyes are some of the symptoms that state seizure episode. Dog owners need to maintain a record of these symptoms.

Here is a video link to guide epileptic symptoms in canine

How to calm dogs in their epilepsy seizures?

Stay calm and put your dog in a comfortable position, make sure he is not in water or at stairs, these places can cause serious injury.  Many times, people put their hand in the dog’s mouth assuming the dog will swallow his own tongue. But do not worry, the dog cannot swallow his own tongue. Rather this way you may hurt your hand with a dog bite. Seizures rarely last more than 2-5 minutes. Following seizures, your dog may not be aware of his surroundings. Maintain a comfortable atmosphere around your dog. Dim light, low sound, properly ventilated room will help him to calm down.

As soon as your dog recovers, he may need fluids, so keep the water bowl ready. But do not force him to drink it as soon as he comes out of the seizure. Give him time to take control of his own body.  Most importantly monitor him during and after the seizure, keep a check on his behavior. This information will be helpful to the veterinarian.

When to contact the Veterinary?

You must keep your dog’s veterinary informed about his seizure status. If the seizure lasts more than 3 to 5 mins it is advisable to contact your veterinary immediately. Type of seizure; cluster or Secondary Epilepsy be the deciding factor to take professional help and clears the level of emergency.

What is the treatment of epilepsy seizures in dogs?

In most cases, the veterinarian determines illness based on symptoms narrated by the dog owner. Sometimes veterinary takes the help of EEG. Ironically in our country India, EEG is not common among canines. But a detailed analysis of seizures can give a lot of insight and help veterinary decide the future treatment.

What is the best food for Epileptic Dogs?

You can give regular dog foods to your dog like home-cooked food but without salt and sugar. Packed food like Royal canine, Pedigree, etc is good as they provide a balanced diet. Avoid adding food items that infuse hyperactivity.

Does Ketogenic Diet help to reduce the frequency of Seizures among dogs?

The concept of the Ketogenic Diet is taking rounds in the dietician’s world, In regard to epilepsy in dogs, its research trials are limited with a narrow database. Current research is not broad enough to reach the conclusive mandate. The efficacy of the Keto diet is in itself a big area of research.

What can be the medication for epilepsy in dogs?

Medicines are there which can help to reduce the frequency of seizures, it is advisable to consult your dog’s veterinarian, after analyzing dogs’ parameters and comorbidities he will be in a position to prescribe dosage.

Should I sterilize my epileptic dog?

It is your personal choice, but your veterinarian is best placed to answer this query. If epilepsy is not cured completely, then you can go ahead with the sterilization process for your epileptic dog. Illness may transmit further through genes. I am sure, you would not like to see anyone else suffer ahead.

How can I make my dog Comfortable?

Pamper your dog more with love and toys. Develop a sense of security. Often, dogs poop or pee after or during a seizure, and when they smell an area later and realize that they messed up around, they become guilty.  It is important to love them and help them bring out their guilt.

Some toys make dogs hyperactive, so simply remove them from their surrounding. The more your dog remains calm and composed, the less will be the chances of another seizure. Excessive hyper behavior can lead to seizures, try to control his hyper behavior.

My dog has epilepsy, I am going out on vacation so can I leave him in a hostel?

Yes, you can. But always keep your dog’s hostel guardian informed about the dog’s medical condition. You can submit a copy of your dog’s medical records to the hostel guardian along with the dog’s veterinary details.

Word from author

I may have solved many of your doubts regarding epilepsy in dogs. Dog owners of Epileptic Dogs can form help groups, where they can guide and become support systems of each other. Such groups can request the medical fraternity to accelerate research in the field of Epilepsy mainly in dogs.

If you want us to cover more related topics, pls feel free to contact us.

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